
  • 22 OCT DE 2024

Modelos de carta de invitación para emigrar a Estados Unidos con la visa americana

Gold envelope with blank message card | Metallic gold envelope with blank message card letter or invitation isolated on an orange background. Space for copy.

Piensas viajar a Estados Unidos para estudiar, trabajar o solo hacer turismo. Sea alguno de los tres tu caso, sabes que debes contar con una visa americana. Para ello, se puede solicitarla junto con una carta de invitación. Acá, te presentaremos algunos modelos de carta de invitación para emigrar a Estados Unidos con la visa.

Modelos de carta de invitación para emigrar a Estados Unidos

Dirigida al funcionario consular


Síguenos en: Google News

United States Consulate General

[Address of the Consulate]

Dear Honorable Consul,

[Visitor’s Name] – PASSPORT NO XXXXXXXX – Born on [Visitor’s Date of Birth]

My name is [Host’s full name], residing at [Host’s address] and I am a [United States citizen/legal permanent resident], as proven by the attached documentation.

I am writing on behalf of [Applicant’s full name] who resides at [Applicant’s address] requesting that you issue him/her a tourist (B-2) visa. [Applicant’s name] is my [Describe relationship; i.e. father, sister, friend] and I would like for him/her to visit me in the United States.

[Applicant’s name] intends to visit me from [Date of entry] to [Date of exit]. During his/her stay in the United States, he/she will stay with me at my home at the address stated above. I will be responsible for [Applicant’s name] during his/her stay in the United States, after which he/she will return to [Applicant’s hometown, country].

[Applicant’s name] will be presenting this letter to you during his/her interview, together with evidence to establish his/her close ties with [Applicant’s home country], assuring you that he/she will return after the expiration of his/her stay in the United States.

Your time and consideration for this request is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

[Host’s name]

[Host’s address]

[Host’s phone number]

[Host’s email address]

[Host’s signature]

Dirigida al solicitante


[Host’s full name]

[Full address]


[Host’s phone number]

[Host’s email address]


[Applicant’s full name]

[Applicant’s address]

Dear [Applicant],

I happily invite you to visit me in [City], USA. This will be a great opportunity for you to see the United States and experience both the culture and lifestyle firsthand. We have several trips planned to visit famous tourist attractions such as [name of tourist place to visit near you].

I will be taking care of you during your entire trip to the US, including expenses such as food, housing, medical costs and all your other personal expenses.

Attached, I am also including all the required documentation for getting the necessary tourist visa from the US Consulate in [Location of US Consulate]

Kind regards,

[Host ‘s full name]

[Host’s signature]

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